Rent out a house or apartment

Would you like to rent out your house in the region of Eindhoven? Van Santvoort real estate agents is up to date with the latest developments in the rental market and will be happy to help you rent out your house.

Rent out your house in the Eindhoven area?

With a real estate agent, people think first and foremost of selling and buying. But Van Santvoort Makelaars is also active in renting out your house or apartment in the region of Eindvoven. Flexibility is increasingly important in the world. The permanent job more often makes way for temporary jobs. The number of freelancers, flex workers and expats is growing rapidly. This also has repercussions on the housing market, there is nowadays more interest in renting and letting a house or an apartment.

Guidance when renting out your house?

Of course Van Santvoort Makelaars responds to this development. We are increasingly active in assisting individuals and investors who are renting out their house or rent out multiple houses. Of course we also help you with renting out an apartment or multiple apartments. And we also help people who are looking for a rental home or apartment in the Eindhoven region. We provide the same quality of service when renting out a house or apartment:

  • Optimal connection to the wishes of the customer;
  • Perfect provision of information;
  • Professional guidance.

Regulations when renting out a house or apartment

This is necessary, because there are many regulations in this area. If you want to rent out a house or apartment (temporarily), there are far-reaching tax consequences. Also, as a landlord you have all kinds of obligations, which often involve extra activities and costs.

Van Santvoort Makelaars will show you the possibilities, but also the risks and will help you with watertight regulations, so that you, as a landlord, don’t run out of rain. And of course we will help you quickly find a suitable candidate to rent your house or apartment in the Eindhoven area.

In short, renting out your house, the best and quickest way to the dream candidate for your house.

Van Santvoort Makelaars, the successful real estate agent in the Eindhoven region!

    Geheel vrijblijvende waardebepaling van jouw huis in Eindhoven?

    Ja, ik wil graag voor een goede prijs mijn huis verkopen Eindhoven!

    * verplicht veld